Xavier Board Researcher’s Forum is an innovative wing of Xavier Board of Higher Education in India where researchers from the member institutions in India as well as like minded researchers from all over the world come together to collaborate, share, innovate and support the humanity. It gives an opportunity for innovative collaborative publications, multi-disciplinary research & indexing in high impact research journals. Xavier Board Research Forum acts as Resource Centre for research / e-seminars/ Webinars/ workshops/ conferences to facilitate the shared views for regional & national development in quality life & developments. Xavier Board would like to promote the research culture among the member institutions and acknowledge their contributions to be awarded each year.
Xavier Board Researcher’s Forum helps its members to exchange their knowledge and innovation. As we know cutting edge technology expands with rigorous interaction and sharing of knowledge and experience. It is s a world class interactive professional forum for technical and scientific knowledge sharing where the Indian and the international academics and professional community frequently meet. Sharing of knowledge in a proper, perfect and exclusive forum leads to its expansion in addition to updates on cutting edge advancement on relevant research fields.
Xavier Board Researcher’s Forum being a global class academic and scientific forum would like to organize several discussions which make our events a perfect platform for scientific research oriented interaction. We deal with all areas from health science and medicine to application of IOT for disaster management and its impact on social studies which may affects the world economic and business management, what ever and whom ever it may concerned related to higher education.
The Xavier Board Researcher’s Forum along with its team reaches to all regions of India to make the activities of forum provide solutions for challenges to humanity. XBRF would like to conduct conferences every year on emerging scopes on science and technology and to be the epicentre of congress of scientist and scholars in India as well as its counterparts all over the world with their thought provoking talks on current technology. XBRF would like to release its informative, globally referred and cited publications including proceedings and periodical with articles of international importance.