Transforming pathways in Higher Education – Pedagogical Futures
A National webinar on “Transforming pathways in Higher Education – Pedagogical futures” was held on 26/03/2022. The resource person focussed on the changing nature of Pedagogy in Higher Education, institutional preparations, the relevance and challenges of quality control issues and the innovative teaching techniques.
The webinar began with a prayer by Mount Carmel College followed by welcome speech by Dr. Fr. Joji Reddy, Principal Loyola Academy, Secunderabad. Fr. Antony Arackal, President of the Xavier Board chaired the session. Sr. Mary Kutty, Principal St. Anne’s College of Education, Secunderabad introduced the resource person.
The session was for about two hours. He also mentioned the major signals of changes in higher education that are being witnessed in the light of NEP. The ten ways to rediscover academic authenticity in the institutional context was an insight to most of us. He shared with us his insight on Innovative Evaluation methods also. Participants were very alert to make observations on the presentations and many sought clarifications on new concepts and terminologies . The excellent feed back received from the participants and their requests to arrange talks like this by the XB is really motivating and rewarding.
The presentation by the resource person was concluded by 6.55p.m by the session Chair . The President of XB, Fr. Antony Arackal, thanked everyone especially the Principal and Staff of Mount Carmel College, autonomous, Bangalore for their support and cooperation. The formal vote of thanks was extended by Dr. Sr. Arpana, Principal Mount Carmel College (Autonomous), Bangalore and the Karnataka regional President.
Dr. Sr. Teresa CSST
Secretary General, Xavier Board.